Sunday, September 23, 2012

Diagramming Sentences

       Does this look familiar?   I remember diagramming sentences when I was in middle school. I also remember looking around the room at all of the faces and noticing that some children did not seem to enjoy identifying the parts of speech, identifying the modifiers, etc... Fast forward twenty years... I was standing in front of a first grade class teaching students how to write a sentence and that every sentence needs a subject and predicate. I was not surprised when I saw many of the same facial expressions from my middle school classmates.

Throughout the years I attended many professional development courses and stumbled upon a wonderful way  to teach the complicated task of diagramming sentences with a very simplistic approach. Fast forward eight years... We are creating M&M sentences!

    The M&Ms are used to represent each part of speech and modifier in the
sentence. The color coding is red=articles, orange=verbs,
yellow=nouns, green=prepositions,
blue=adjectives, purple=adverbs,
brown=conjunctions, and white=interjections.
The picture represents the following
sentence: Mary and Susan ate the cookies. We are introducing the different parts of speech as they appear in our grammar lessons. The program has many components and color coding the sentences is only one part. I hope that with a lot of practice students will become more comfortable and familiar with sentence structure and enjoy diagramming sentence :)
Try it out!